Tuesday, 3 June 2014

3D Printer

We have a 3D printer now !!  We have been learning how to use TinkerCad to create 3D designs. TinkerCad is an amazing programme to create interesting designs. You have to know how to make holes in shapes and how to join two shapes together.  I am looking forward to seeing how my creation turns out on the printer.


  1. Hi Holly,

    That is so cool having a 3D printer! Is it easy to use tinkercad and do you make a design on there and print it on the 3D printer? Is the 3D printer easy to use? That is so cool though! And could you maybe post a video of how it works from the start by using tinkecad to printing it?

    Kate Carter
    Ross Intermediate
    Palmerston North

    1. HI Kate - Tinkercad is easy to use once you get the hang of it. I haven't used the 3d printer yet but am looking forward to having a go printing my design.


  2. Cool!!
    What are you going to use it for?
    The Holly sign below, looks cool. Can you see inside the printer?
    Does the printer have colour?
    I would love to use it, it looks really cool :)
    Ross Intermediate

  3. Wow 8b online that 3D printer must be really cool to have around what sort of things do you make and how does it work? How long have you had it for?

    Ross Intermediate
    Palmerston North
    New Zealand

  4. Great design Holly - very impressed. Heard about 3D printers on National Radio and it will be really interesting to see one.

  5. Wow that is a really cool machine
    By sahanya

  6. Zoe 8C,
    Using the 3D printers are really fun and interesting, we should use them more often!
