Thursday, 6 March 2014

Inroducing Bella


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Bella,
    These are some cool fact, I don't have a horse myself but my friend has heaps, every time we go over I always go to her horse and ride it :) I used to play Touch Rugby and Volleyball at my old school. I also have one dog and at, my dogs name is Bella as well (: My cat is evil some times he is ginger. I love Beauty and the Geek and also The Bachelor. I Love my friend and family as well (:
    Thanks for your facts,
    Do you have a favourite movie?
    Ross Intermediate

    1. Hi Rebekah,
      My favourite movie is Catching Fire. Whats yours? :)
      Thanks for the comment :)
      Selwyn House School

    2. Hey again,
      My favourite movies are Catching Fire and also I found Pitch Perfect really cool. I really like action movies. Thanks for your reply.
      Whats your favourite gerne?
      Ross Intermediate

  3. HI Bella I really enjoyed reading about you. I love sports as well what is your horses name. Do you have a favourite T.V show thanks
    Ross Intermediate Palmerston North.

  4. hey Bella I really enjoyed your ten facts they were great. I also really enjoy sports i think its cool how you can be fit while having fun playing sports. I only have one dog her name is Rosie cool photo in the onsies. Mason Ross Intermediate Palmerston North.

  5. WOW ! What interesting facts you have here.I like the way you set up the page with pictures and text. :) I love my friends and i also like horse riding, I have been horse riding with my friends and family lots of times. Instead of a dog i have a cat her name is Cefa and she is a tabby cat. :) I love her very much♡ I used to play Volleyball at my old school, its very fun. I also watch the Bachelor and Beauty and the Geek.
    Thanks for your facts :)
    Also what is favourite song and artist ?
    Ross Intermediate

    1. My favourite artist at the moment is Ellie Goulding so I listen to pretty much anything that she sings :) Your cat sounds very cute, I love her name :)
      Thanks for your comment :)
      Selwyn House School

    2. Hey again ! :)
      Yes my cat is very cute thanks, now that she is getting older she's not very playful, but thats ok. I have heard about Ellie Goulding, apparently her songs are great swell. Also, what is your favourite song by Ellie Goulding ?
      Thanks for your reply :P
      Ross Intermediate

  6. Hey again ! :)
    Yes my cat is very cute thanks, now that she is getting older she's not very playful, but thats ok. I have heard about Ellie Goulding, apparently her songs are great swell. Also, what is your favourite song by Ellie Goulding ?
    Thanks for your reply :P
    Ross Intermediate

    1. My favourite song by Ellie Goulding is probably Figure 8.
      Do you have a favourite artist/song writer?
      Thanks for your comment :)

      Selwyn House School

  7. Hello Bella!
    It's awesome that you like horse riding!
    I have always wanted to start horse riding but never have.
    I also love The Carrie Diaries, I love the clothes they wear!
    Beauty and the geek is also one of my all time favourites!
    How old are your dogs?
    What breed are they?

    Ross Intermediate,
    Palmerston North,
    New Zealand.

    1. Hi Louise,
      Yeah horse riding is a lot of fun, I love it! I love the clothes they wear in the Carrie diaries as well, they are so cool!
      Tilly is a black Cocker Spaniel and she is 6 years old.
      Archie is a West Highland Terrier (Westie) and he is 3 or 4 years old.
      Do you have any pets?
      Thanks for your comment.

      Selwyn House School

    2. Hey Bella!

      Wow your dogs sound really cool!
      West Highland Terriers look so cute! I have always wanted one! I'm pretty sure my aunty has one.
      Are Black Cooper Spaniel's big dogs?
      Yes. I have pets too.
      I have a cat called Jethro and a dog named Pearl.
      I love animals!
      Do you have any other pets apart from dogs?

      Ross Intermediate,
      Palmerston North,
      New Zealand.

    3. Thanks :)
      Cocker Spaniel's are a bit bigger then West Highland Terriers.
      I love your pet's names :)
      No I just have dogs but I would like to have a bunny.
      Thanks for your comment.

      Selwyn House School

  8. Hey thanks for telling us about us about yourself.Touch and basketball are a cool sport and horse riding sounds cool.

  9. Hi I love that you like riding horses because I love horses I used to ride them but I moved and i don't ride them because I live in the city and I herd that you like fosters and carrie diaries because i like them too they are like one of my favourite programmes.

    Ross Intermediate
    Palmerston North
