Monday, 10 March 2014

Introducing Angelique


  1. wow so cute love it i don't have any dogs but i think there cute any way i love cats do you ?

    1. Thanks and I do i have one

  2. Thank you Angelique for these fun facts about you. I love your 2 dog names Pumba and Simba. They are both very cute dogs :) I have only one sister too! I also love the movies Frozen and Hunger games: Catching Fire. I love my friends! As anyway does! I do like tennis but I do not play because I can't really hit the ball that much.

    Keely Puklowski
    Ross Intermediate
    Palmersotn North
    Ross Intermediate

    1. I'm sorry for my miss placing of words. I meant to write.

      Keely Puklowski
      Ross Intermediate
      Palmerston North
      New Zealand

    2. I know those movies are so good! And haha tennis is really fun.

  3. hey thanks for telling us about yourself the hunger games is a cool movie
    new zealand

  4. Wow, my first impression was the beautiful background picture! Your dogs look so cute, and great names. I have a sister AND a brother, your lucky you don't have a brother, he's SO annoying! Anyway, I also love Catching Fire, it has humour and it's really creative and just an awesome movie. I play tennis too, I actually did a Super Sport Tennis competition yesterday! I love sports. And I love my friends too, I don't know what I'd do without them. I love your presentation! :)

    1. Oops, I forgot to put my Name and School! -

      Ross Intermediate
      Palmerston North
      New Zealand

  5. Hay ! :) Angelique
    I like the way you set up the page with photos and the cool background. :)
    I don't have a dog but me and my sister might be getting a rabbit ! Your dogs look very cute, and i like your dogs names. :)
    One of my favourite movies are catching fire, i haven't seen the movies frozen yet but have heard it is good. If you could choose 3 animals what would it be ? Mines would be a zebra, elephant and giraffe. :)
    Ross Intermediate
    Palmerston North
